Season 2023 Competitions imageSeason 2023 Competitions imageSeason 2023 Competitions image
The first of this season’s competitions begin this month, May 2023.
They are the Ted Leven Pairs and the Mixed Vets.

Mixed Veterans ROUND ROBIN pairs competition, Seventeen ends. Four bowls each player.

All games played during month of May. Final last week in May

Two sections. Winner of each section play each other in final.          

                                                Ted Leven ROUND ROBIN pairs competition, Best of three sets each game. Two bowls each player.

First two sets nine ends, deciding set best of three ends, one shot each end.

All games played during month of May. Final last week in May

Two sections. Winner of each section play each other in final.

* Points and shots count for places.

After match is played score cards should be given to the Match Secretary  

Both draws are in the clubhouse and players should arrange their ties as soon as possible

Here are the draws below.
Good luck to everyone involved!